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Your Browser

Your browser is the computer software that enables you to visit and view Web sites. Browsers receive programming code sent over the Internet and translate it into what you see on a Web page. Without a browser, you wouldn't be able to read Web site material or view graphics.

To view OrtronicsProducts.com at it's best the following browsers are strongly recommended:

Operating SystemMicrosoft Internet ExplorerNetscape NavigatorNetscape Communicator
Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, ME, 2000, XP6.0 or later6.0 or later6.0 or later
Windows 3.1, 3.11, NT 3.515.5 or later6.0 or later6.0 or later
Macintosh5.0 or later6.0 or later6.0 or later
UNIX/Linux/BSD-6.0 or later6.0 or later
OrtronicsProducts.com does not support beta browsers

Browser Security

Browsers provide different levels of encryption: "Standard" (40 or 56-bit) and "High" (128-bit). Encryption scrambles secure information passed over the Internet and provides an additional component of security highly important for Online Ordering and any secure transactions you make on the Internet. It is one component of the "combination lock" that keeps your personal information and credit card number secure. OrtronicsProducts.com provides for the highest level encryption: 128-bit encryption.

Browser Encryption Expiration

Microsoft Corporation, Netscape Communications Corporation and VeriSign, Inc. have stated that the VeriSign® Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate on older browser versions has expired. This is similar to the situation when a credit card expires and the issuing credit card company re-issues a new credit card. Rather than issuing a new Certificate to every affected browser user, VeriSign, Inc., Microsoft Corporation and Netscape Communications Corporation recommend upgrading to the most current browser version, which contains the new Certificate Authority Certificates.

THIS IS NOT A YEAR 2000 OR OrtronicsProducts.com ISSUE. For more information on certificates, please visit VeriSign Inc.'s Web site: www.verisign.com.

Browser Upgrades

The digital certificate contained in older browsers has expired and will affect your ability to conduct secure transactions. Effective January 1, 2000 OrtronicsProducts.com no longer supports these "expired" browsers.

For more information on certificates, please visit VeriSign Inc.'s Web site: www.verisign.com.

For information on upgrading and installing your preferred Internet browser, please visit either Netscape or Microsoft's Web site.

More Info on Browser Security

Please visit VeriSign, Inc.'s Web site for more detailed information on expiring browser certificates.

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OrtronicsProducts.com, an online retailer of Legrand products, is a leading provider of phone systems. We specialize in cable management, surface raceway, faceplates and inserts. All orders, small or large, are welcomed with no minimum order requirements.
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This site is not affiliated with Legrand North America, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries. Legrand North America, Inc. ("LNA") trademarks include the logos of all LNA's companies and other designs and logos owned and used by LNA, as well as LNA product and service names. . As used herein, "LNA" includes all affiliated companies, including Cablofil Inc., On-Q Inc., Ortronics, Inc., Legrand Home Systems, Inc. (formerly OnQ Inc. and Vantage Controls, Inc.), Legrand Canada, Inc., The Watt Stopper, Inc., and The Wiremold Company. All logos displayed on this page are registered trademarks with their respective organizations.
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